Mattoverse Electronics Double Gate Drone MKIV Synth Effect Pedal. There are actually two analogue tone generators inside the Drone Rainger making up the sound – one with a 12-way selector switch, the other free-moving – so that when they’re tuned nearly the same, you get interesting ‘beats’ created between the two of them. Building on the features of the previous models the Double Gate Drone MKIV has added. The guitar signal and the drone signal are independently mixed through the same delay circuit (about 1 second maximum repeat time), with a totally dry guitar switching option. You improvise over an atmospheric backing? The Drone Rainger is for you! Maybe you play in a two piece band ? Then it’s essential! You’re a solo electric guitarist making sonic textures?…. The SPACE STATION provides warm and organic sounding reverb, just like 'HALL REVERB'. The delay sound is pristine and strong with no degradation. Compared to its much bigger brothers, the RC-30 and the RC-300, this looper is limited on features, but its portability at least makes up for that fact. The SPACE STATION offers up to 2000ms of delay time.

If you play shoegaze, doom/heavy/psychedelic rock, or ambient music it’s a fantastic tool for making a powerful base note to play over. The Boss RC-3 Looper, the compact pedal entry to Boss’ Loop Station range, is so tiny it’s hard to figure out where it keeps three hours of your awesome sounds. A chilling new post-traumatic stress disorder: Why drone pilots are quitting in record numbers A raft of data suggest our remote-controlled war games are taking a steep psychological toll on their.

RAINGER FX Drone Rainger Digital Delay compact effect pedal is a dub-flavoured digital delay (based on our Echo-X delay pedal), that also produces low, throbbing drones that can also be mixed through the delay circuit.